Sustainability in Asia
13-15 July 2022 @Bali, Indonesia
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 Jan 2022
Deadline for Final Full Paper Submission: 15 June 2022
According to the World Economic Forum, Asia's GDP will overtake the rest of the world in 2020, eventually contributing 60% of global growth by 2030. 90% of the emerging 2.67 billion middle class will come from Asia-Pacific - specifically, China, India and ASEAN - and form the majority of the future global economy. However, aging populations, slowing productivity growths and the 4th Industrial Revolution, coupled with the rise of protectionism, geopolitical tensions and cybersecurity threats mean that Asia-Pacific nations require long-term, sustainable policies to stay on their growth trajectories. Increasingly, smart city technologies are adopted by Asian governments, with an estimated $63.4 billion to be invested between 2014-2023 according to Navigant Research. Experts from ADB, IMF, UN, World Bank, and Asian governments believe that innovative collaborations utilising renewable energy, big data analytics, IoT and smart urban planning are key to the sustainable development of Asian cities of the future. The International Conference for Managing the Asian Century (ICMAC) series shares how we can partner to create new models in piloting innovations for sustainable cities in the Asian century.

Aim of ICMAC 2022
ICMAC 2022 is built on the successes of previous conferences in Bali (2019, From Smart Cities to Future Cities; 2017, Smart Innovations for Smart Cities of East Asia, 2014, Integrating ASEAN), Singapore (2016, Rise of Smart Cities in Asia; 2013, Managing the Asian Century), Surabaya (2018, Innovations and Technology for Sustainable Development), Kuala Lumpur (2015, ASEAN Entrepreneurs in Technology), and Xiamen (2018, Linking One Belt One Road with Smart Biotech). The seven conferences brought together international investors, Asia and US inventors and innovators, and representatives of Asian governments. The participants came from incubation hubs of Asia, research think-tanks of Europe, and the Silicon Valley USA.
The theme of ICMAC 2022: Sustainability in Asia will host a gathering of like-minded people: international and Asian academics, innovators and representatives of governments. Information technologies and their influences in industry, government and policy planning will be the focus. Digitization trend (past, present and future) will be of particular interest to the participants. The focus is on how Asian nations collaborate on developing inventions and digital innovations for growth across Asia.
We welcome contributions that draw upon contemporary ideas and developments in practices of management, education, organizational development, climate change, financial and economic planning and other areas significant to socio-cultural, environmental and economic development. All qualified papers will be accepted and published in Scopus Indexed journals and/or indexed in the Library of Congress of USA.
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (GMT +8)
12 July 2022 @Virtual Seminar
Deadline for Full Paper Submission: 15 June 2022

- Student personal branding yo orepare to collaborate globally
- Universities will get known to more international exchange students
- Qualified paoers will be published and curated
- Dr A Guna (IIT India)
- Dr P Mandal (Bradford, UK)
- Dr Goh (Imperial College London UK)
- Dr S. Padibjo (Leeds, UK)
- Dr J. Fang (RMIT, Australia)
- Dr J. Ong (Queensland, Australia)
- Dr. A. Chakraboty (National University of Singapore)
- Dr Nana (Griffiths, Australia)
- Dr B Santoso (Newcastle, Australia)
- Dr E. Perez (Rizal Tech, Philippines)
Impact of iCAM (1999-2020)
27 Countries
in Asia Pacific/ASEAN
32 Projects at National
and Sub-National Levels
30 years Experience in
Capacity Assessment
and Development
Impact of ICMAC & MERIA (2013-2019)

350+ International Investors, Asia &
US Inventors & Innovators