ICMAC 2016
| INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR MANAGING THE ASIAN CENTURY (ICMAC) 2016 Rise of Smart Cities in Asia 10 -11 Nov 2016 in Oasia Hotel Downtown, Singapore |

Arising Asia
In the last decade, innovations in Asia and its growth of innovations have hogged headlines. The significant rise of technology and non-technology innovations in China, India, Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia has see trajectory growth. Asia has experienced prolonged economic progress. And it is still improving its education approaches, health infrastructure, and access to finance for the majority of its population. At the same time it has to watch, monitor, and suppress the rise of darkside of development, such as social inequality, corruption and pollution. The World Bank, UN, and the Asian Development Bank have long reported huge challenges for Asian enterprises and governments to adopt best practice to ensure sustainable development growth. Both government and corporate leaders must identify and implement innovative approaches. This ICMAC series shares knowledge on the development and management of Asia.
Aim of ICMAC 2016
ICMAC 2016 is the fourth annual conference, following the success in Singapore (2013, Rise of ASEAN), Bali (2014, Integrating ASEAN), and Kuala Lumpur (ASEAN Entrepreneurs in Technology). The three conferences have led to more than 100 international publications in peer-reviewed journals and books.
The theme of ICMAC 2016 – Rise of Smart Cities in Asia - brings together innovators, entrepreneurs, and technologists from across Asia Pacific to discuss innovations and share ideas on how to design, develop and manage Smart Cities. The first group of speakers and discussants are innovators who have transformed ideas into innovations for designing smart cities. The second group are incubators and researchers who are piloting their innovations in the development of smart cities. The speakers, discussants and researchers, are chosen because their smart innovations to improve city life, fast-paced living and urban livelihoods. Some innovations will be discussed and showcased at the conference.
The ICMAC 2016 Rise of Smart Cities in Asia will be held on 10-11 November 2016 in Oasia Hotel Downtown Singapore.
Day 1 starts with the Innovators Keynote address and followed by Conference Seminars where a panel of Innovators will take turn to present and share their innovations with and provide advice to their peer innovators, innovators and researchers.
Day 2 consists of a series of seminars by incubators and researchers in specialised tracks.
The innovations and inventions presented and discussed will be on transportation and logistics and distribution, environment, financial services, education and learning, healthcare and hospitality, and their impact on society, business and governance in urban environments..
ICMAC 2016 will be attended by innovators, incubators, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, researchers, technologists and emerging scientists from the Asia Pacific. All new innovations that attract venture funding shall be published.
Join your peers in innovations, incubation, and research on 10-11 November 2016 in the vibrant city of Singapore. It is not only a model for economic growth, but is also known for its education quality, an international trade centre and strong governance.
Don’t miss out on ICMAC 2016, an opportunity to participate, present, and publish.